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by Liam
Morph: To transition from female to male (FtM) in such a way that one is able to spread their wings and fly!
At Morph we offer FtM TRANSition kits that guide transgenders on their way to a new and more fulfilling life... a life where they can have a butterfly effect on our world!
Anchor 1
by Liam
Definition of : "The Butterfly Effect".
A property of chaotic systems (such as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system.
Or in our words "A minute change such as the flapping of a butterflies wings at one end of the world can create a typhoon on the other end of the world."
Be part of a typhoon that does amazing things. Be a butterfly and flap your wings. No matter how small of gesture or how big of a small you can offer it all goes a long way. Some might say around the world even. Be the change that the world needs. Join Jesus and bring along your family and friends. He did make the butterflies!
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