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He said, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, … he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
No relationship should be more intimate, no bond more inseparable than that between the disciple and his Master. It's that close bond that encourages us to love our family, friends, and enemies the way Jesus LOVES us.
What are your spiritual paradigms?
What paradigms do you hold close to your heart?
Do they align with those of Jesus?
Spiritual transformation requires more than a change in practice – it requires a change in paradigms that include the axioms which are the truths behind the paradigms.
With Disciple Sunglasses, you will not only see where Jesus is, but you will also see what He's doing and how He does it. His Word is the lens that you look through. It's like having the eyes of Jesus.
Not only will the lens of Jesus add clarity to our life, but Jesus also counsels us with a constant eye. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you." Psalm 32:28
And here's the best part. Disciple Sunglasses don't just reflect light, they attract it. When you wear Disciple Sunglasses, they are guaranteed "NOT-to-have-a-holier-than-thou" attitude. We see the world through Christ's eyes so we can experience His boundless grace with His radical and reckless love. Jesus viewed everything in a way that affirmed the humanity, dignity, and image of God in every single person he encountered present to their unique pain, specific hardships, and life challenges.
In the first paradigm, Jesus tells us to value following Him above life itself. A fellowship for only a few great-hearted souls. To be transformed with lasting change by understanding and knowing that we can have the mind of Christ in who we are and how we live!
With your purchase of sunglasses, you will also receive the book "Having the Mind of Christ" - which we hope will be your first step in seeing the world the way Jesus sees it.
Anchor 1
See the
World a whole new light.
After putting on your Disciple Sunglasses your life will never be the same.
To learn more about discipleship go to Gravity Leadership, and also check out my website Tell Your Story to see where you can start your own personal journey as a disciple.
Paul German
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