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Writer's picturePaul German

Could it be Jesus?

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

The story of the woman at Jacobs well is one of the most well known in the Bible. On its surface, the story chronicles ethnic prejudice and a woman shunned by her community because of her choices. But when we take a deeper look, it reveals a great deal about Jesus' character. Above all, the story, which unfolds in John 4:1-40, suggests that Jesus is a loving and accepting God who washes our sins away, and we should follow his example of how to love all people.


After I read John 4:1-40, it made me think about what it must have been like for the woman to be talking to Jesus and not knowing who He was. He knew everything about the woman, but yet, they had never met. Ironically, today we might call someone like that a creeper or stalker. It‘s after Jesus spoke about the truth of the Spirit that the woman told Jesus that Christ the Messiah was coming, and when He comes, He will explain everything to us. Little did she know He had come, and He was sitting right in front of her explaining everything. He declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am He, did she know?”


So, do I go to the well like the woman only when I‘m thirsty? Would I recognize Jesus when I got there? What would happen if I went every day and had a conversation with Jesus? Or maybe it’s more about how I get there? Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” Once she realized who Jesus was she then had the belief and faith that He was the messiah, the one who could quench her thirst. I also found it interesting that Jesus asked the woman to call her husband and then come back. Here, Jesus shows us that a strong marriage was top priority for Him. Here I believe that Jesus tells us that a strong marriage starts with an intimate relationship with Him. This is a relationship that is closer than an earthly husband and wife relationship.

Go to Jacobs Well!

Now I know in my mind I can go to Jacob’s well every day to have conversations with Jesus. Spend time with Him. I guarantee that for me writing this story has challenged me to have more intimate talks with the one who created me. Experiencing Jesus starts with looking for Him in all that I do - what I read, what I watch, what I listen to, what I paint, the conversations that I have with others and how I use His word to live my life. Sitting with Him at the well is where I see parts of His true character. It also appears daily in the people that inspire me which challenges me to be more like Him. Jesus is the rock that anchors me when I go through the biggest storms and battles in my life, and then at times I see He coming to life through my family and friends. So why wouldn’t I treat every conversation I as if Jesus was standing right next to me. I don’t need to be at church to talk to Him heart-to-heart. I can do it wherever and whenever I want.

Tears of Living Water.

Amid a season of challenges and transitions in my life, Jesus turns my tears into living water—my ability to feel. As humans our tears remind us that we are alive. Our tears cause us to care for one another. To laugh with one another. Maybe that’s the kind of water God offers us in the wilderness as go about our day. Tears that draw us together. Tears that break our hearts open so that God might use us. Tears that help us feel when we are numb. Tears of joy as we feel the presence of Jesus working in our lives - sacraments of love.

I think that’s the kind of water Jesus offers, tears of living water that flow out of the lives of people of faith. That’s the living water that we can offer the world - not a miracle tonic nor quick fix nor all the answers to our deepest questions. He offers us water in the wilderness, water out of the most unlikely of places, even our own selves, water that nurtures and sustains, water that simply gives us life so that we might venture on, together, with God. Tears of living water happen when:

  • You're not afraid to experience life in all its joy and sorrow.

  • You’re in touch with your deepest feelings.

  • A sense of peacefulness overcomes you.

  • You write and start to your own story about the amazing love of Jesus.

A Yiddish proverb tells it all - “What soap is to a baby, tears are to the soul.”

Moral of The Story.

The story of the Samaritan woman is not about her religion, race or even her sin. It’s about the living water at the well that Jesus gives us that aligns us spiritually with Him. The same water will become in us a spring of water welling up to eternal life. While discernment serves as a catalyst to spiritual development, it fosters a "sixth sense" to live an ordained life - having a sense of how things look in the mind, eyes and heart of God is what really matters. We need to go out in the world and learn to think God's thoughts. To understand His Word, experience His grace, and by the progressive unfolding of the true condition of our heart we can see and talk to Jesus at the well!

Song - Jesus Met The Woman At the Well by Mahalia Jackson Listen to song

Verse - "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalms 145:18

Video - Woman at the well watch video

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