the story cross
The story cross is a series of crosses that tell enlightening stories about Jesus as our guiding force in life. Each cross is made of six 4X6 prints from Deep Roots Gallery. The paintings use His Word, and the bible to tell stories that bring us closer to Jesus. It's when we follow Him with all our mind, heart, and soul that we can truly live life!
The Heaven to Earth story cross brings heaven to earth by way of the Fruit of the Spirit. It tells a story of how we can experience the perfect LOVE of God here on earth through the Fruit of His Spirit. Starting at the feet of the cross is where we find Jesus in the parable of The Lost Sheep. This is where He shows us His FAITHFULNESS. As Shepherd, He pursues the one sheep that goes astray to save it. Moving up toward the Sacred Heart is where you will find the woman At the Well. At the Well, Jesus shows us His KINDNESS, even while knowing the secrets in the depths of our hearts. Once reaching the middle of the cross, you will find The Sacred Heart housing the perfect LOVE that Jesus has for all His children. And then it's left to the Prodigal God where He lavishes us with His GOODNESS and touches us with His GENTLENESS. To the right of the heart is The Suit of Armor which is where we learn PATIENCE and SELF-CONTROL, and it's the place where God equips us with His armor to fight the enemy--Satan himself. And above it, all is The Rose Church celebrating the JOY of Easter and the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is at this place we experience Jesus as our Prince of PEACE with a crown of thorns and His Holy Spirit that He entrusts us with to be our counselor and guide on this earth. That's why He gives us the Fruit of The Spirit to nourish our lives. It's ours for the picking through acts of Faithfulness, Kindness, Love, Goodness, Gentleness, Patience, Self-Control, Joy, and Peace!
But the Counselor--the Holy Spirit--whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, 'I go away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I." John 14:26-28
To learn more about how you can experience God, go to a summary of the Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby a book that guided me. Click here to learn more.
The Follow Me story cross tells the story of Jesus the Prince of Peace and the King of Kings and how He yearns for us to follow Him. Starting at the feet of the cross we see ”The Young King David,” a man after God's own heart, a King who followed God. As you move up toward King Jesus, we see, "The Inspiration of St. Matthew" with an Angel overhead as Matthew is writing feverously while teetering between Heaven and Earth. In the center of the cross is Jesus "The Prince of Peace" and King of Kings. As a creator, He commands the universe. To the left of Jesus is "The Fisher of People" where we see Jesus calling to Peter and Andrew with the words “follow me and I will make you fishers of people”! To the right of the King Jesus is “The Sermon on the Mount” where Jesus lays out His morals and values for us to follow. It's how to live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, and full of wisdom and discernment. Above it, all is "A True Legacy" where we see the Apostle Paul in jail teaching Timothy, and above them is the tree of the Apostles. A true legacy is not a legacy about ourselves but it is one defined by the love of Jesus. It will be remembered as the passion we had to follow Him as His disciple.