Tell Your Story...
about the ultimate LOVE of Jesus Christ
The first and main element of any great story is LOVE. A love where we give ourselves away to others. We are kind to everyone we meet and the holy spirit helps us to love the lost proclaiming Christ in all we do and say.
A sacrificial and holy love that infuses us and bonds our hearts to Jesus.
An essential element of any good story is friendship. As disciples of Jesus, we are His best friends. We can tell Him anything, and He listens 24/7. You can have the most difficult heart-to-heart conversations and He will never judge. He loves us by showing that love while He teaches and corrects us to be equipped to love others and He will never forsake us.
The last element may be the most important. It's about a mansion in heaven filled with treasures beyond our wildest dreams. And it's forever! It's at the throne of Jesus where our story plays out. Where there's no pain or suffering, and He is with us 24/7. How awesome is that!
“We love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19