Dear God,... postcards

Dear God,
Here are my
inner most
Send an anonymous postcard with your secret on it and I will post it below.
Secrets can be soulful, joyful, or sorrowful. They can be silly, shocking, or even heartbreaking. Or just plain powerful. Sending an anonymous postcard with an intimate thought or prayer that surrenders your innermost secrets or sins to God can be a life-changing experience. You can professor confess what's in your heart. It can also be a healing process for not only you but for the person reading it.
I have had a person close to me try to commit suicide. So I want people to realize there is hope when they feel there is none. My wish is that Dear God, . . . will change the course of one person's life through words of encouragement that can offer them both inspiration and hope through Jesus Christ.
Whatever kind of secret you have it may be time to surrender it to God. Time to free yourself from whatever is holding you back. Or share your dream that has been hidden away in your heart for many years.
Write a Dear God, . . . postcard and mail it today!
Paul German
P.S. After writing your secret to God mail your postcard to me and I will anonymously post it below.

POSTCARDS from the

Dear God,
Some people make me so angry I could

Dear Jesus,
I wasn't asked to be an alter boy but that didn't stop me from loving you.

I hate being around a negative person especially if it's me!
